Outside of QCB building in the summer.

The Enterprise Center


Located in the Quality Center for Business, 企业中心是您在创业和商业发展领域取得成功的门户.

Launching and growing a business can be a daunting task. 你会在企业中心找到一个培养创造力的环境, collaboration, and growth. Business incubation and acceleration programs, office and manufacturing space, state-of-the-art tools and equipment, 并通过企业中心的会员资格获得现场经济发展合作伙伴.

Ready to launch or grow your business at the Enterprise Center?

Apply Today

Enterprise Center Membership Benefits

企业中心的会员资格使您可以获得丰富的独家优惠,旨在推动您的业务达到新的高度,并为您提供市场竞争优势. As a member, you’ll have resources, support, 以及对你的创业之旅有重大帮助的机会, no matter what stage you’re your business is in. 以下是企业中心会员资格的一些主要好处:

Apply for membership to the Enterprise Center now.

Business Incubation and Acceleration Program

The Big Idea Logo

The Big Idea

Creators, crafters, and entrepreneurs! Prototype your idea or build your product in the Big Idea makerspace. From 3D and large format printers to CNC metal and woodworking equipment, 大创意创客空间拥有帮助您实现下一个大创意的设备和专家!

Studio G Logo

Studio G

学生们和应届毕业生们,你们是否有创业的想法,但不知道如何开始? Studio G提供商业咨询和资源,帮助您开展自己的业务. Studio G is provided in partnership with NMSU Arrowhead.

Harvest Food Hub Logo

The Harvest Food Hub

丰收食品中心是EDA大学中心的一个项目,致力于加强圣胡安县的当地食品系统. 该中心为食品企业家提供资源,他们希望开一家餐馆或食品卡车,或创造一种零售食品. 该中心还致力于增加当地农民在餐馆的市场机会, schools, and other retail outlets and institutions.

Mobi Logo

My Own Business Institute (MOBI)

In partnership with Santa Clara University, MOBI由三个在线商业课程组成,涵盖了创业, business expansion, and quick-start entrepreneurship. 获得完成证书和数字徽章/标志,以显示您的成就.

Outdoor Recreation Industry Initiative

Outdoor Recreation Industry Initiative (ORII)

我们在法明顿市的合作伙伴建立了ORII,以鼓励法明顿地区户外娱乐业务的发展和扩张. ORII的区域合作伙伴网络精通户外娱乐行业,并致力于支持当地户外经济的发展.

Economic Development Partners at the Quality Center for Business

企业中心与许多合作伙伴密切合作,以增强会员服务. 这些合作伙伴中有几个就在这里的商业质量中心, serving as our region's economic development and innovation hub.

火博体育SBDC是通过新墨西哥州和美国政府之间的合作协议资助的.S. Small Business Administration to provide business counseling, technical assistance, assistance with SBA and other loan options, training, financial analysis, and business planning to small businesses in San Juan County.

Program offerings include:

  • APEX:针对需要政府合同帮助的企业的APEX项目, RFPs, and government regulations. NMPTAC -打开新墨西哥州政府承包的大门.org)
  • 国际贸易:新墨西哥州的小企业提供许多具有全球市场潜力的产品. The NMSBDC International Business Accelerator, located in Santa Teresa, NM, 是为想要进行国际贸易的小型企业提供的免费程序吗, especially with Mexico. The program offers one-on-one counseling, an online resource guide, an electronic database of trade leads, joint venture opportunities, and tips on exporting & importing. 新墨西哥州的每个SBDC中心也可以通过直接援助或转介到各种新墨西哥州来指导您通过国际迷宫, federal, and out-of-state resources.
  • 技术商业化加速器(TCA):创意和发明需要许多步骤才能发展, protect, and monetize; however, understanding these steps should not prevent you from succeeding. TCA提供免费、保密的知识产权咨询服务. Technology Commercialization Accelerator | NMSBDC

Learn more about the Small Business Development Center

法明顿妇女商业中心是一个非营利组织,其使命是鼓励新墨西哥州通过持续的自营职业来实现自给自足.  他们为小企业提供所有方面的技术援助,包括商业计划, financial models, marketing, and business development. 他们还提供微软Excel和QuickBooks等软件的团体和一对一培训. 企业可以通过贷款基金和其他贷款来源(包括传统贷款机构和其他贷款机构)获得资金.

Learn More about Farmington Women's Business Center

四角经济发展提供规划和领导,特别关注经济基础工作, recruitment and site selection for business relocation, Skills Ready (WorkKeys®) workforce initiative, and connecting businesses with resources.

Learn More about Four Corners Economic Development

新墨西哥制造业扩展伙伴关系是国家网络的一部分,为准备扩大其能力和提高盈利能力的制造商和相关商业社区提供技术和商业资源. NM MEP还提供一套独特的劳动力发展产品,使员工在全球市场上具有竞争力.

Learn More about New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Chambers of commerce work for the benefit of their members. Mostly comprised of small businesses and nonprofit organizations, chambers provide access to business resources, workshops, and discounts; advocate for their members, provide networking opportunities, increase visibility for business members, and provide important information to their members.

 There are three chambers of commerce in San Juan County:

InBIA是推动商业孵化和创业的世界领先组织. Each year, it provides thousands of professionals with information, education, advocacy, 以及网络资源,为帮助早期公司的过程带来卓越. An elected, 代表世界领先孵化器的投票董事会管理该协会.

Learn More about International Business Innovation Association

Enterprise Center Membership Criteria

企业必须以营利为目的,并位于圣胡安县或周边地区, and fit into one of the following categories:

Additional criteria required to become an Enterprise Member include:

Enterprise Center Member Businesses



  • Animas Bodywork
  • All American Technical Team 
  • Chapelle Law 
  • Cintigy Systems 
  • Damtech LLC 
  • Diamond Derrick Consulting  
  • E3 Power and Water 
  • Elite Energy Services 
  • Engineered Concepts LLC  
  • Fidelis Investigations  
  • 5 Star Security 
  • High Desert Valve 
  • Jean Manz Coaching 
  • JMJ Resources 
  • Lucky Ridge 
  • MMJ Courier/Deliver 
  • Nosstrious – now Forte Digital 
  • One Source Service  
  • Sonia Lukow CPA LLC 
  • Slade Law Firm  
  • Synergy Operating 
  • Tomahawk Ridge Films 
Exterior shot of the Quality Center for Business

Contact Us

Phone: (505) 566-3700

5101 College Blvd.

M-F: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.