

学生可以提高他们的绘画技能, 绘画, 陶瓷, 珠宝, 雕塑, 摄影, 或艺术基金会.

The 艺术 Department at 火博体育 strives to be a place where artist of all interests and skill levels can come to participate and develop.

视觉艺术的创作过程——构思, 创建, 批判, 修订, 和展览, shape the intellectual foundation for any individual to become an independent and critical thinker. The Fine 艺术s curriculum develops the capabilities of emerging artist because it is centered in liberal arts studies and combined with applied studio courses.

学生可以提高他们的绘画技能 and 绘画, 陶瓷, 珠宝, 雕塑, 摄影, 或艺术基金会.


作为一名绘画学生, 你不仅要学习素描和绘画, 还有艺术欣赏, 艺术历史, 设计, 以及其他工作室艺术. You will have well-equipped studios and instruction in a wide range of techniques. 

火博体育’s drawing and painting students spent a lot of time in studio classes creating original works, studying aspects of the field and examining a variety of media with which to work.
The studio art faculties are accomplished artists in their respective fields, 保持私人工作室和画廊的联系. 艺术 faculty exhibits widely and travels extensively to maintain a current and high status in their field.
作为一名绘画学生 the studio art program, you will get a great deal of hands-on experience in your classes.


A concentration on 陶瓷 is 设计ed to assist student to achieve excellence in his or her personal direction in the medium. The curriculum is structured to challenge the student both conceptually and technically through a series of progressively more intense assignments and experiences. Early emphasis is placed on a common foundation in basic fabrication and decorating techniques and is followed by opportunities to expand those skills in upper level courses.

While primarily oriented around the functional vessel, a wide variety of approaches to clay are recognized and encouraged, 包括雕塑和概念追求. The ceramics area familiarizes students with the terminology of the field, 并教授陶瓷设备的使用, 包括陶工的转盘, 板辊, 挤出机, 粘土混合机, 还有电炉和煤气炉. Students are expected to achieve an acceptable level of mastery of a number of these skills including clay construction, 对象装饰, 以及窑炉烧制.

It is our goal that students leaving the program be prepared for success in either undergraduate school employment within a ceramic studio, or self-employment in a ceramic production business.

Finished ceramics project with glaze and inlay work.

火博体育, students learn the fundamental skills in both digital and film photography while being challenged to create inspiring imagery. The photography program offers courses for those who’s goal is a career in photography and for those who are hobbyists. 课程侧重于摄影构图, 相机操作, 膜处理, 数字软件, 例如Adobe Photoshop, 工作室照明, 现场照明.  


The photography facilities at 火博体育 include a fully equipped lighting studio, 计算机实验室, 两个的暗室, 还有一个整理室.

The studio includes commercial flash lighting equipment and on location light kits, 背景滴, 和道具. Students learn studio and location flash lighting techniques used in commercial studios settings for both product and portrait photography.

Students learn both digital and 膜处理 techniques. Computer labs with Adobe Photoshop program are used to teach digital processing while the 两个的暗室 and finishing room provide hands-on experience processing and developing film.


The Henderson Center for the Visual 艺术s (HCVA) is twenty thousand square feet space, 完全致力于视觉艺术的. The HCVA includes large instructional studios with high ceilings and excellent lighting. 通过精心设计的建筑, we emphasize safety and a “close knit” relationship between art faculty and students that is a unique part of our academic program. To allow students easier accessibility to the faculty, most faculty offices and studios are located in the areas where the professors teach. Specialized classrooms are maintained for painting, drawing, ceramics, and photography.

The 艺术 Department has a superior ceramic facility. 亨德森美术大楼建于1994年, 容纳了21个陶工的轮子, 两个板坯辊, 六座电炉, 三个煤气窑(2个煤气/盐), 烧制的木和2个乐窑), 粘土混合室, 教师工作室, 釉料调配室, 工作空间大. The painting, drawing and 设计 rooms have northern lighting, and a large working space.


火博体育 Henderson Fine 艺术s Gallery strives to educate our students and community about art and artists with a diverse exhibit schedule that showcases a wide variety of art forms and artists. Our exhibits change monthly throughout the spring and fall semesters. This schedule also includes Spring and Fall 艺术 Student and 艺术 Instructor exhibits. The Henderson Fine 艺术s Gallery has hosted exhibits from many national and local artists.

We also have a second gallery space in our Humanities Building Balcony study area. This area is meant to be a less formal setting where artists can gain constructive feedback during their experience while exhibiting.

火博体育 is also home to a Permanent 艺术 Collection which includes the work of an extensive list of artists. 要查看艺术和艺术家的列表,请访问c7h.craftsplusart.com/arttour.

The art gallery also sponsors workshops for students and community members. These workshops include National and local artists of much renown.



Explore all the various art classes 火博体育 has available.





m - f8a.m - 5 p.m.